#SciComm resources

General resources & groups

Dr. Tessa Hill’s excellent blog post “We need to talk (about science)”

https://www.aaas.org/pes/communicating-science-resources Basic toolkit from AAAS

http://www.compassonline.org/ Tools and training for scientists communicating with the public, press, and policy makers

List of “practical advice resources” from Bruce Lewenstein

Escape from the Ivory Tower: A Guide to Making Your Science Matter. Washington, DC: Island Press. Randy Olson. (2009).

Useful media communication resources from the American Geophysical union 

http://scicommhub.com/ Compiled resources for science communicators, including a blogroll

Climate change communication

http://climateinterpreter.org/  Resources and tools for climate change communication

http://vischange.org/  Visual resources for informal educators on climate change

http://www.scidev.net/ Training and tutorials for scientists and journalists